




2006年8月,美国政府对中国增加军事预算提出质疑。   “你最好闭上嘴,保持安静,这就非常非常好了。在这个问题上美国最好还是闭嘴!美国有权去做他们认为对自己有利的事情。但美国不应告诉中国该如何做。”   “我要赢你,就赢定了,要不你把我的尸体抬出去。”(在军控谈判中)  “大使先生,如果您是一条汉子就真刀真枪地亮出来,别窝着、藏着!”(人权大会上与美国大使相遇) �6�1 China has an age-old, RECORDED history of 5,000 years, the longest continuous civilization in the world;  �6�1 How the ancient Chinese, my ancestors, recorded history? They etched the words on the oracle shells;  �6�1 Inscriptions on oracle shells are regarded as the origin of Chinese characters and the root of Chinese culture, not only a national heritage for China, but also a precious treasure for the World;  �6�1 The exhibition could open the window for the delegates and staff from different countries to understand the ancient civilization of China;  �6�1 Also on exhibit is the Photos of China’s Jiangsu province, where I was born. These photos will show us an open, beautiful, prosperous, and modern Jiangsu Province.   �6�1 China is my homeland, while Jiangsu is my hometown. I wish the exhibition of the Chinese Oracle Calligraphy and the photos of Jiangsu a great success!  �6�1 Today's exhibition as not just about calligraphy, also about the Chinese history – ancient and modern.