
玛利莲曼森The Beautiful People中文歌词

玛利莲曼森The Beautiful People中文歌词


玛利莲曼森The Beautiful People中文歌词

The Beautiful People  I don't want you and I don't need you  don't bother to resist, I'll beat you  It's not your fault that you're always wrong  the weak ones are there to justify the strong  the beautiful people, the beautiful people  it's all relative to the size of your steeple  you can't see the forest for the trees  you can't smell  your own shit on your knees  Hey you, what do you see?  something beautiful, something free?  hey you, are you trying to be mean?  if you live with apes man, it's hard to be clean  there's no time to discriminate,  hate every motherfucker  that's in your way  the worms will live in every host  it's hard to pick which one they eat most  the horrible people, the horrible people  it's as anatomic as the size of your steeple  capitalism has made it this way,  old-fashioned fascism  will take it away  (chorus)  The Beautiful People  美丽的人们  我不需要你们, 也不稀罕你们!  别在作无谓的抵抗, 我将要征讨你们  这不是你们的错! 因为你们从没有对过!  看那弱者正在装腔作势,.....  美丽的人们!! 美丽的人们!!  这完全端看你们自己有多少份量  你们看不见自己盘踞之树外的森林; 你们也闻不到自己拉在裤管中的屎  嘿~~!你们看到了什么!? 某些美好的事!? 还是某些自由!?  嘿~~!你们想返璞归真吗!? 如果你们一直和衣冠禽兽住在一起, 那将永无宁日的!  没有时间去辨识, 像你们一样的混蛋(motherfucker )全部都让我忿恨!!  虫卵将寄生在每一个圣体(host)中, 很难挑出那个是被它们吃掉最多的一个!  可怕的人们!!可怕的人们!!  这好比拆穿你们自己有多少份量  资本主义就是这样产生的!  旧体制的法西斯主义将会铲除它的!