




musicmu.sicAHD:[my›“z¹k] D.J.[6mju8zik]K.K.[6mjuz!k]n.Abbr. mus.(名词)缩写 mus.The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.作曲法:把声音通过节奏、旋律、和声和音色加工合拍以作出连续的、统一的、有感召力的乐曲的艺术Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm.乐音:有节奏、旋律或和声的人声或乐器音响A musical composition.乐曲The written or printed score for such a composition.写下的或者印刷的乐曲的乐谱Such scores considered as a group:乐谱集:We keep our music in a stack near the piano.我们把乐谱靠近钢琴堆成一堆A musical accompaniment.音乐伴奏A particular category or kind of music.一种特殊的音乐An aesthetically pleasing or harmonious sound or combination of sounds:美妙的声音:一种有美感地令人愉快的、和谐的声音或声音组合:the music of the wind in the pines.松树林中的风声仿佛音乐一般Middle English 中古英语 from Old French musique 源自 古法语 musique from Latin m¿a 源自 拉丁语 m¿a from Greek (h¶¶ (tekhn¶)} [(art) of the Muses] 源自 希腊语 (h¶¶ (tekhn¶)} [(艺术)缪斯女神的] [feminine of] mousikos [of the Muses] [] mousikos的阴性词 [缪斯女神的] from Mousa [Muse] * see men- 1源自 Mousa [缪斯] *参见 men- 1music[5mju:zIk]n.音乐to listen to music听音乐乐谱I can't play because I have lost my music.我不能演奏了,因为我把乐谱丢了。Can you read music?你识乐谱吗?face the music接受处罚;承担后果music[5mju:zik]n.音乐乐曲; 乐谱悦耳的声音; 乐音对音乐的欣赏力乐队, 合唱队(猎)狗叫声[美口]激烈的辩论, 吵闹法律制裁, 惩处compose music作曲the music of the stream优美的溪流声musicbookn.乐谱musicboxn.八音盒musiccasen.乐谱夹子musichalln.音乐厅[英]杂技戏院He leafed through the music.他一张张地翻乐谱。He has no music in himself.他没有欣赏音乐的能力。face the music临危不惧; 勇于承担后果; 倾听责备或批评set sth. to music谱曲music of the spheres天体音乐music to sb.'s ears悦耳的声音, 中听的话absolute music纯音乐, 无标题音乐background music衬托音乐, 配乐brass band music吹奏音乐canned music唱片音乐; 有声电影音乐chamber music室内乐chin music[美俚]闲谈, 空谈effect music效果音乐field music行军军乐队员, 行军军乐incidental music(戏剧、电影等)插曲interlude [interval] music幕间音乐, 间奏音乐, 插曲programme music标题音乐rough music喧嚣声soul music[美]黑人音乐wall paper music用扩音装备在餐馆、办事处放送唱片音乐电影、广播剧中为配合对话或动作用的伴奏音乐music(中古英语 musike<古法语 musique<拉丁语 musica<希腊语 mousikē音乐的)