




呵呵,自己找到了。PitLord 深渊领主 出场 I come from the darkness of the pit 我来自黑暗深渊 普通点击 Ahh~~ 啊~~~ What trickery is this? 这是虾米把戏? What is your feeble request? 给我你那弱智的命令 Dont waste my time 别浪费我时间 Tremble before me! 在我面前颤抖吧! 移动 Ahh~ 啊~~~~ What a foolish glory 多傻的荣耀啊 Pitful 真黑 I bring darkness 我带来了黑暗呀~~ You failed to amuse me 你根本没能让我开心~ 攻击 I go to destory 我去破坏 This would please me 这会让我高兴 To the Slaughter 杀 杀 杀 多次点击 You know what burns in my Ass?The flame of Desire. 知道我PP里虾米在燃烧么?欲望火! Err~~I think I`ve someone stuck in my teeth 靠~不知谁塞进了我牙缝儿~~ Herr Herr Herr 呵...呵....呵......... I think it`s certern.FINISH is called for here~~~OAhhhhhhrrrrrr~~~ 没错,终结即将到来.嗷嗷 最后一次精彩的对话 主持人:Well come back to "Jania in the morning" 欢迎来到"Jania早间访谈 Now we are here with the avenger of night hunter and... Camp 现在我们在夜晚复仇者营地 Now Gam ,you think you`re here for an make over Right? Gam,你要在这里做个转让吗? Gam: Yeah~ 是啊 主持人:Why do you think you are relly here? 你怎么会真的认为是在这里? 深渊:Well _Air_Yumi I love you,but..I have something to tell you, I am a Demon. 我爱你_Air_Yumi,可我不得不说 我是恶魔^O^ 观众:...Wow...what...a Demon 啊?什么~~~恶魔..... 深渊:I mean a normal pit lord 实际上是个普通的深渊领主 主持人:What?i dont understand it. 什么 什么? 我不明白啊 观众:He`s a BOMB ,move him out 他是个炸弹,把他弄走!! 主持人:I bet you say you`re in an post office 我记得你说你在邮局工作啊 深渊:Well, i moves like 我只是移动起来象个邮局罢了.. - - 深渊还有一句是“In mannoroth's name !” 以玛诺洛斯的名义!