




make the bed意思是铺床;整理床铺;整理被物。例句:1、I have to make the bed and do the laundry. 我得整理床铺和洗衣服。2、I had her make the bed. 我让她把床铺整理好了。3、I make the bed. 我整理床铺。4、You are old enough to make the bed. 你这么大了,可以自己整理床铺了。5、You must make the bed after you get up. 你起床后必须整理好你的床铺。6、Robot, can you make the bed?& Sorry, I can't. 机器人,你会铺床吗?对不起,我不会。7、I need someone to make the bed for me. 我需要别人帮我铺床。8、Tom has done everything you wanted except make the bed. 汤姆做了所有你让他做的事情,除了铺床。词汇解释:make 英[meɪk] 美[mek] vt. 做,制造; 生产,制定; 使成为; 使产生; vi. 开始; 尝试; 行进; 增大; n. 制造; 生产量; 性格; 形状,样式; [例句]I'd just like to make a comment.我只想稍加评论。bed 英[bed] 美[bɛd] n. 床; 河床; 苗圃; (地下由黏土、岩石等构成的) 地层; vt. 把…固定在; (某人) 发生性关系; 给人铺床; vi. 上床; 分层; [例句]She went into her bedroom and lay down on the bed.她走进卧室,躺在床上。