




一个五彩斑斓的屋子,几十里外便可闻到它的香气,让人不禁梦游似的来到了这A colorful room, dozens of miles away can smell its aroma, people can not help but sleepwalking came to this里。那就是我的家:糖果屋。Li. That is my home: the candy house.门牌是巧克力片,上面刻着我的名字,用巧克力棒支撑着,插在土地上;House is chocolate chip, engraved with my name, supported with chocolate bars, inserted in the land;咖啡凝结起来的咖啡片就是门,中间破着一个洞,放着一粒大大的糖果把手;Coffee setting up Coffee piece is the door, the middle of breaking a hole, put the candy handle a grain of big;还有一头田字格的窗户,它是透明的扁糖,可以打开。房子的屋顶用一颗颗奶There is a grid window, it is transparent flat sugar, can open. A milk with the roof of the house片组成,还撒着醇香的牛奶;墙壁是大奶片的,还涂了奶油,变成了我喜欢的Film composition, and sprinkle with mellow milk; the walls are big milk tablets, also painted cream, became my like天蓝色,望着这色,不禁会让人浮想联翩。Sky blue, looking at the color, can not help but make people Thoughts thronged one's mind.