




1.爱笑的眼睛-徐若瑄 2.g大调的悲伤-张靓颖 副歌不错 3.心墙_郭静4.等一个晴天_蔡淳佳5.郁金香6.他和她7.风铃8.星星眼睛9.梦在手里10.有心人有情人11.走路去纽约_陶晶莹12.爱一点_莫艳琳13.未知的以后14.勇敢_张惠妹15.如果你也听说16.记得17.听海18.第三者_梁静茹19.如果有一天20.可惜不是你21.fly away22.远走高飞_林忆莲23.原谅_张玉华24.我为什么那么爱你25.做一天的你_蔡依林26.假装27.天空28.可以不爱了_梁文音29.我在那一角落换过伤风_陈绮贞30.别再哭了_罗忆诗31.不准哭-同恩32.毁灭爱情_林冠吟33.忽然之间_,莫文蔚 1.burning _maria2.apologize_onerepublic3.anyone of us 4.rhythm of the rain _Jason5.just one last dance _sarah connor 6.first love-宇多田光7.white house_Vanessa Carlton个人很喜欢mv 8.right here waiting_理查德.马克思9.i still believe _玛利亚.凯利10.tommai mai rab suk tee special_lydia ninteen泰文歌也很不错11.泪的物语 日文12.nothing's gonna change my love for you_方大同最近翻唱的很火 原唱也不错13.peerless _darin 肯定熟悉14. i knew i loved you 野人花园15.always getting over you _angela ammons 16.forever young_17.because of you 18.free loop _daniel powter19.狐狸_rumble fish 韩文歌20.histoier naturalle _nolwenn leroy 21.could this be love _维多利亚奥斯卡22.promises don't come easy _caron nightingale 23.truly madly deeply 24.perfect moment_25.concerto pour deux voix26.美丽的小岛27.hey jude28.泪花29.i could be the one _donna lewis 30.kiss the rain 31.when you believe 32.a little love 冯曦妤33.colors _邓丽欣34.valder fields -tamas wells36.there were roses_cara dillon37.the saltwater room_owl city38.dreaming my dreams39.dying in the sun40.love is blue41.walk the walk _venke knuston42.Daisy 43.sagyman 44.oceans deep 45.new soul 46.everytime it rains47.朋友_立威廉韩智慧韩文48.she 49.i;m sitting down here 50.そばにいるね -青山テルマ日文 不错