
no more you 中文歌词

no more you 中文歌词


no more you 中文歌词

ohhh, ohh, ohh, ohh  Just one look in the mirror  看着镜中的那人  And I know I don't look the same being alone  我发现,没有你的我再也不像以前那样  I don't walk the same without you on my arm, I lost my charm  我再不像以前那样有你挽着我的手臂以前漫步,我失去了所有光彩  I don't know how I made it before  我不知道以前我是如何活着的  Cuz you are my future for sure  因为你就是我最美的未来  And now that it's over I dont know how I'm gonna get by..  现在一切结束,我还该怎么活着?  Chorus:  With no more you x2  没了你  What am I gonna do?  我还该怎么活着?  with no more you..  没了你  To see me through,  我还怎么度过人生  with no more you  没了你  What am I gonna do?  我还该怎么活着?  with no more you  没了你  Can't believe there's no more you..  我怎么能相信我失去了你  I look at my passenger side  我看着那些我人生的过客  And there's nobody to ride with me for life  又有谁能是真正进入我人生的人呢?  It feels like the end, I lost my friend  这就像是世界末日,我失去了我的知音  I can't sleep at night,  每个夜晚都如此难眠  Because your side ain't occupied  因为你的心已不在  The hurt in my eyes, won't go away  我眼里深藏的痛苦,永不会离开  I'm in so much pain..  我是如此悲伤  Chorus:  With no more you x2  What am I gonna do?  there's no more you..  To see me through,  with no more you  What am I gonna do?  there's no more you  Can't believe there's no more you..  Don't know if I can make it or not..  不知道我还能不能挺过来  Everybody sees that I'm going through a lot  每个人都以为我经历了足够多  It's hard being alone,  这没有你心灵陪伴的人生太孤单  When you used to be on top  你是独一无二的最美(找不到合适的词翻译了这句...)  Call for you, there's no more you  念你的名字,才发觉我已经失去你  I stop for a minute then I pinch myself  在我刺痛自己的时候,我愣住了  I can't believe I'm here by myself  不敢相信这个时间这个地点的这个我  I can't do anything without your help.  没了你,我什么也不是  Call for you, there's no more you..Ohhh  你已不再..  Chorus: (x2)  With no more you  What am I gonna do?  there's no more you  To see me through,  with no more you  What am I gonna do?  there's no more you  Can't believe there's no more you..  No more you  What am I gonna do,  there's no more you  To see me through,  No more you..  What am I gonna do,  there's no more you  Can't believe there's no more you (x3)  就只有这样的啦。。。。。。。。。。。。