make sure 的用法?
的有关信息介绍如下:保证,尽力做到;深信,有把握 查明,确信,确定 搞清楚,保证 核实,确保 弄清楚;搞明白 弄确实,查明;确信 务必,保证 1. and make sure you tell them that my dog votes ? 并且告诉他们“爱犬维权”活动。 2. i ' ll go with her to make sure she comes to no harm 我要和她同去以免她受到伤害 3. you have to make sure you get the right one 重要的是你必须得到最合适的那一个。 4. make sure that you add this line 确保将下面这一行添加在之前所添加的pdo . so这一行 5. option , to make sure that the key is exportable 选项,用于确保密钥是可导出的。 6. just make sure you copy the url exactly as shown 仅仅是为了保证正确地复制url 。 7. i would like to make sure that i get my money ' s worth 我想确认我的钱花得是否值 8. stick to your post and make sure everything is ok 坚守你的岗位,确保一切正常。 9. and i will make sure corporate sends those to you 公司一定会把东西送到您家里的