急!!!王子与贫儿 故事简介 地点 人物 主题 著名的原因
的有关信息介绍如下:《王子与贫儿》是美国作家马克·吐温的代表作。它描写王子爱德华和贫儿汤姆通过一个阴差阳错的偶在机会互相换了位置,王子变成了贫儿,贫儿成了王子。贫儿汤姆穿着王子的衣服在王宫里尽享荣华富贵,还当上了英国的新国王。而真正的王子爱德华却在外四处流浪,不得不忍受贫穷和乞丐们的欺凌和嘲讽。在好人霍顿的帮助下,爱德华王子经历了重重劫难,改正了自己的坏习惯,最后终于回到了王宫。而贫儿汤姆在良心的谴责下,将不属于自己的王位还给了真正的王子。此后,爱德华成了一位仁慈的君主,和他的子民一起过着幸福的生活。故事的想像极其丰富、语言幽默风趣,在带给儿童快乐的同时,能极大地激发儿童的想像力和对纯洁、善良、美好事物的向往。 【目录】 第一章王子与贫儿的诞生 第二章汤姆的早年生活 第三章汤姆与王子会面 第四章王子的新生活开始了 第五章汤姆在王宫里 第六章汤姆见到了国王 第七章汤姆接受教导 第八章汤姆第一次在皇家进餐 第九章关于国玺的问题 第十章王子在垃圾院 第十一章王子和他的新朋友 第十二章王子消失了 第十三章国王驾崩!——国王万岁! 第十四章代受鞭打的男孩 第十五章汤姆做国王 第十六章咈咈一世 第十七章国王在农民之中 第十八章海登再次救了国王 第十九章王子——囚犯 第二十章自由 第二十一章海登厅 第二十二章海登和国王被带到监狱里 第二十三章在监狱里 第二十四章死刑 第二十五章迈尔斯代受了爱德华惩罚 第二十六章去伦敦 第二十七章庆祝加冕典礼的游行 第二十八章加冕日 第二十九章国王爱德华 第三十章迈尔斯·海登在王宫里 在线阅读 http://www.82abc.cn/sys12-Books/JuniorGorky/68.htm [感想] 这篇小说是以19世纪的英国为背景,描写一个贫苦儿童汤姆和一个富贵王子爱德华交换社会地位的童话式故事。 贫儿汤姆从小过着衣不蔽体、食不果腹的贫困生活,幻想着自己能有一天当上富贵的王子,而爱德华因厌倦死板、空虚的宫廷生活,也幻想着能到民间尝尝作贫儿的滋味。于是有一天,他们交换了身份,开始了新的生活。 通过这个童话情节,小说首先用鲜明的对比手法,展现了劳动人民生活的极端艰难困苦和统治阶级生活的极端豪华奢侈。在此同时,小说还鲜明地表明了人生生来平等的民主主义思想和环境决定人物性格的唯物主义观念。 汤姆并非天生就只能当贫儿,爱德华也不是生来就只能当王子,全部的不同只在服饰和地位。爱德华就曾跟汤姆说:“要是我们光着身子走出去,谁也分不清哪个是你,哪个是我!”的确,当贫儿穿上王子衣服时,大家都把他当成王子;而爱德华穿上贫儿衣服后,大家便认定他是贫儿,这里既没有什么“天生富贵”,也没有什么“天赋王权”,问题的关键只在穿什么服饰和处在什么地位。 不仅如此,汤姆在穿上王子衣服,被人推上王位后,便立即颁发仁慈的法律,释放无罪的囚犯,否定封建法律的荒谬,指责宗教裁判所的草菅人命,成了被万民拥戴的开明君主。而爱德华在穿上贫儿衣服后,也能在重新当上国王时废止酷刑,昭雪冤狱,颁布新法,以改善人民的处境。这是他俩突然心血来潮或良心复苏吗?不,这是环境对人物性格的客观影响,是健康、朴素的人民生活对人的改造作用。汤姆从人民中来,健康、朴素的人民生活使他从小就具有善良、正直的品质和同情苦难、嫉恶如仇的性格。而爱德华从王宫走到人民中去以后,受人民生活的影响,也逐渐具有了跟统治者截然不同的品质和性格。 最后还有一点,小说虽然取材于16世纪英国,但读者从小说所描写的人民大众的苦难生活,很自然会联想到19世纪七八十年代美国劳动人民的艰难处境;从小说所描写的统治者的为所欲为,很自然会联想到当时美国资产阶级政府的专横欺诈;从汤姆和爱德华交换身份后的思想言行,也很自然会联想到深刻的种族歧视。因此,小说虽然取材于16世纪英国,但其批评的矛头是指向19世纪的美国。 误会和交换身份,就是这一部童话的主要情节,而这看似俗套的设置,却在马克?吐温笔下显出了隐含的光辉。这篇读后感,语言质朴平实,从手法、思想和社会背景三方面阐述了作者意图,笔风简洁,眼光犀利 "Prince and pauper," the U.S. writer Mark Twain's representative. It describes Prince Edward and poor children through a Tom Yinchaiyangcuo even in the opportunity to change the location of each other, the prince turned into child poverty, child poverty has become a prince. Tom poor children to wear clothes in the Prince's Palace, enjoy high position and great wealth, but also become Britain's new king. The real Prince Edward is out wandering around, had to put up with poor beggars and their bullying and ridicule. In Horton with the help of a good man, Prince Edward has gone through many disasters, to correct their own bad habits, and finally returned to the palace. Tom and poor children in the conscience, will not be returned to the throne of their own real Prince. Since then, Edwards has become a benevolent monarch, and his people lived a happy life together. The story of the very rich imagination, humorous language, bring in the children's happy at the same time, can greatly stimulate children's imagination and pure, kind-hearted, longing for the good things. 】 【Directory Chapter Prince and the birth of the child poverty Tom chapter of the early years of life Chapter III and Tom Prince to meet The fourth chapter of the prince began a new life Chapter V at the Royal Palace, Tom Chapter VI met with Tom King Chapter VII educating accept Tom Chapter VIII of Tom for the first time in the royal dining Chapter IX seal on the issues Prince garbage chap in the hospital Chapter XI of the prince and his new friends XII Prince disappeared Chapter XIII death of King! - Long live the King! Chapter by the 14th generation of whipping boys XV Tom King to do Chapter I of the 16th Fufu King in the 17th chapter of the farmers Hayden once again put the 18th chapter of the King The 19th chapter of Prince - prisoners The 20th chapter free Hayden Office of the twenty-first chapter Hayden King and the twenty-second chapter was taken to prison Twenty-third chapter in prison The 24th Chapter of the death penalty Myers on behalf of the 25th chapter by Edward punishment The 26th chapter to London To celebrate the 27th chapter of the coronation procession Chapter on the 28th coronation The 29th chapter of King Edward Myers Hayden in the 30th chapter in the palace On-line reading http://www.82abc.cn/sys12-Books/JuniorGorky/68.htm [Feelings] This is based on the novel of the 19th century the British in the background, a description of poor children, Tom and a rich exchange of Prince Edward social status of the fairy-tale. Tom lived a pauper clothing from a young age not to Biti, the hungry living in poverty, their imagination can one day become rich princes, Edward and tired as a result of rigid, empty palace life, but also a fantasy to try to make non-poor Children's taste. So one day, they exchanged their identity, to start a new life. Through the fairy tale plot, the first novel in sharp contrast with the way that shows the life of the working people of the extreme hardship of the ruling class and the lives of extreme extravagance and luxury. At the same time, the novel is also clear that the life of democratic ideas are born equal and environmental character of the decision of the concept of materialism. Tom was not born when the only child of poverty, Edwards is not only born when the prince, all in different costumes and status. Edwards had with Tom said: "If we go out naked, no one can tell you which is which is me!" It is true that when poor children to wear clothes Prince, we have him as a prince; and Edward Poor children to wear clothes, they are poor that he was a child, there is no "natural wealth", no "royal gift", the crux of the matter only on what clothes to wear and in what status. Not only that, in Tom Prince to put on clothes, was pushed to the throne as soon kind of legal issue, the release of innocent prisoners, deny the absurdity of feudal law, the Inquisition accused of disregard for human life, has become a million people were open-minded support of the monarchy . Edward put on the poor and children clothes, we may be able to become king when the Abolition of Torture, a miscarriage of justice rehabilitate, and the promulgation of new laws to improve the situation of the people. This is the conscience or the whim of a sudden they do to recover? No, this is the objective character of the environmental impact of health is, the simple people who live on the transformation of the role. Tom from the people in the past, health, and plain living of the people from an early age that he has a good, quality and integrity of sympathy for the suffering, Jieruchou character. And Edward came from the palace to the people in the future, the impact on the lives of the people, have gradually with the rulers of different quality and character. Finally, there is another point, although the novel based on 16th-century Britain, but readers from the novel by describing the suffering of the masses of the people live, it is only natural to think of the 19th century Qibashinian the United States on behalf of the plight of working people; from the novel by describing the rule Those who do whatever they want, it is natural that the bourgeoisie think of the United States at the time of arbitrary government fraud; from Tom Edwards and the exchange of words and ideas of identity, and it is only natural to think of profound racial discrimination. As a result, although the novel based on 16th-century Britain, but its critics point to is the spearhead of the 19th century, the United States. Misunderstandings and exchange of identity is the main plot of the Department of fairy tale, which appears to be the conventional settings, but in Mark? Twain's rendering shows the hidden brilliance. Reading this, simple-to-earth language, practices, ideas and social background on three aspects of the intent of the author, concise style pen, sharp vision