




flipside英 n. 另一面;反面;另一种心情同义词:other side,contrary 例句:1. On the flipside, I have been rewarded with many friends拜此所赐,我有很多知己,他们,是对我最好的回报。2. Ah! do not like to make the kind of ugly flipside I do not exist!哼!你不要作出那种难看的样子来吧!3. Tinkering KMT officials, all of the money. Today is a flipside, I have not, we revolution is not for money!我不比你们国民党当官的,个个都有钱,我今天确实是一个铜板都没有,我们革命不是为着发财啦!4. But there is also a flipside that shows us the problems and challenges faced by people in cities.但是诚如一个硬币的两面,城市发展在带来便利的同时,也带来问题和挑战。5. There is a flipside to the resilience of the luxury goods market, however.然而,蓬勃的精品市场有个相反的世界。6. The flipside is they are now subject to Chinese rules.而缺点是它们现在要受到中国法规的制约。7. On the flipside, this news is likely to be quickly priced into markets.另一方面,这一消息将很快被市场反映。。8. Of course, the flipside is that if you should have to submit an insurance claim you are responsible for paying the deductible.当然,一个铜板是,如果你应该向保险公司索赔,你是负责支付的免赔额。9. The flipside, however, isn`t that fantastic.然而,这并不是太棒了吗?10. The flipside is, the more the yuan rises, the less attractive china's exports become to overseas buyers, because a strong currency increases the price foreigners pay for Chinese goods.但另一方面,人民币价值越高,中国出口商品便会逐渐丧失对海外消费者的吸引力,因为强势的货币必将提高外国人购买中国商品的价格。11. On the flipside, whereas five years ago average valuations were 75 per cent of the p/e of developed market stocks, many are now at a premium.另一方面,尽管5年前新兴市场股市的平均市盈率仅为发达市场的75%,现在许多新兴市场的市盈率已超过了发达市场。12. But the flipside, assuming factory owners can get away with it at a time of dollar weakness, could well mean higher-priced goods for overseas markets.但另一方面,假设工厂主能够在当前美元疲弱之际侥幸逃脱,这很可能意味着海外市场的商品价格将会上涨。13. On the flipside, long troubled PC maker Gateway also demonstrated in recent years that an offline store model can fall flat on its face.另一方面,长期深陷困境的PC制造商捷威过去几年的经历也说明,线下店面模式可能完全失败。14. But the flipside to his desire for worldwide celebrity was megalomania evident when he impersonated Jesus at a notorious performance at an awards show in 1996.但他渴望赢得全球声誉的另一面,却是他的妄自尊大在1996年一次颁奖典礼中,他竟然装扮成耶稣,那场表演臭名远扬。15. There is a flipside to admiration: insecurity and criticism. Sometimes mental illness.令人羡慕的事也有不好的一面:不安全感和批判眼光有时会引发精神疾病。16. Consumers can benefit but the flipside of every fortune is the failure of competition to do its job and erode the daunting advantage of that early winner taking all.消费者可能会受益,但所有这些财富的另一面是竞争未能发挥作用,未能侵蚀早期赢家通吃这一令人望而生畏的优势。17. Asia is a land of saving gluts: the flipside to US and European deficits.亚洲是一个储蓄过剩之地,与美国和欧洲的储蓄不足刚好相反。18. On the flipside, security officers have the unhappiest job.另一方面,安保成为最不快乐的工作。19. I`m about to break into a case of Bulldog gin, so I`ll catch you on the flipside of this vernal binge.我即将爆发成为一个案件牛头犬的洋酒,所以我将赶上你对博弈规则的这个春季热潮。