
When We Were Young:中文翻译

When We Were Young:中文翻译


When We Were Young:中文翻译

Everybody loves the things you do这里的人们喜欢你的一切From the way you talk无论是你的说话方式To the way you move还是你的行为举止Everybody here is watching you这里的每个人都关注着你Cause you feel like home让你有家的感觉You're like a dream come true你可以轻而易举地获得成功But if by chance you're here alone但是如果恰巧你也独自在这里生活Can I have a moment before I go?在我离开前,能听我说几句吗?Cause I've been by myself all night long因为我整晚都孤独一人Hoping you're someone I used to know幻想你是我的某位老友You look like a movie你像是一部电影You sound like a song像是一首老歌My God, this reminds me天哪,它让我想起Of when we were young我们的往日情怀Let me photograph you in this light让这刻美好的记忆保存In case it is the last time that we might be exactly like we were这或许是我们最后一次最真实的时刻了Before we realized we were sad of getting old在我们意识到上了年纪的悲伤It made us restless这让我们不安It was just like a movie就像是一部电影It was just like a song就像是一首老歌I was so scared to face my fears我是如此害怕面对我的不安Cause nobody told me that you'd be here因为没人告诉我你属于这里And I swore you moved overseas但我却以为你已远走他乡That's what you said, when you left me就像你离开我时说得那样You still look like a movie此刻你仍然像那部电影You still sound like a song你仍然是那首老歌My God, this reminds me天哪,它让我想起Of when we were young我们的往日情怀Let me photograph you in this light让我把你的影像定格在这一刻In case it is the last time以免这是我们最后一次That we might be exactly like we were重温往日的美好……It's hard to admit that难以承认Everything just takes me back所有的一切只是To when you were there让我想起从前的你To when you were there让我想起从前的你And a part of me keeps holding on我还有心想要坚持Just in case it hasn't gone万一爱还未消亡I guess I still care我想我还在乎你Do you still care?而你是否在乎我It was just like a movie就像是一部电影It was just like a song就像是一首歌My God, this reminds me天哪,它让我想起Of when we were young我们的往日情怀When we were young我们的往日情怀Let me photograph you in this light让这刻美好的记忆保存In case it is the last time that we might be exactly like we were这或许是我们最后一次最真实的时刻了Before we realized we were sad of getting old在我们意识到上了年纪的悲伤It made us restless对此我们惶恐不安I'm so mad I'm getting old我气恼我正在变老It makes me reckless它令我惶恐不安It was just like a movie就像是一部电影It was just like a song就像是一首歌When we were young重温我们的往日情怀