




“It seems like my whole life I’ve been this little Canadian kid dreaming somebody would give me a chance.” 我所经过的一生看起来是这样,一个加拿大的小男孩一直在梦想着别人能够给我一个机会。 “You can’t worry about things you have no control over.” 你不需要去担心那些你无法掌握的事情。 “I love basketball and I’m committed to it, but if I have to lock up my spirit because of basketball, it ain’t worth it.” 我喜欢打篮球并且对它很忠诚,但是如果让我为了篮球将自己的灵魂封闭起来,那我觉得是不值得的。 “I know what I can do and what I’m able to accomplish.” 我很明确我能够做什么事,能够完成什么事。 “It’s about not looking for outcomes, but just enjoying the process. That’s when you become in the moment.” 重要的不是去追求结果,而是要享受过程,享受过程中的每一刻。 “I have a tendency, especially when I’m playing with great players, to try and get them the ball.” 我有这样的一种倾向,尤其是当我和伟大的球员一起比赛的时候,我会努力让他们得到球。 “I love being part of a team, any team. Not just playing, but the camaraderie, the whole thing. It’s just what I get off on.” 我喜欢成为球队的一员,我经历过的任何球队。不光是比赛,我更喜欢的是和队友之间的友情,这两样都会让我全身心地去投入。 “I feel very comfortable going at full speed.” 我非常喜欢自己开足马力,全力以赴的时候 “I was never supposed to play in college, let alone the NBA, so I always feel like I have something to prove. No one ever expected me to be here, so that feeling of being an underdog is ingrained in me. It’s a natural part of my consciousness.” 没有人认为我能够去美国大学打球,更不要说是进NBA了,所以我一直认为我需要证明一些事情。没有人认为我能够在这里打球,所以在我的潜意识里面一直认为自己非常卑微。这些意识对我来说是与生俱来的。 “Let's face it, I weigh 175 pounds. Nobody could have predicted this with a guy like me.” 让我们面对现实吧,我只有175磅,没有人会期待像我这样的家伙会(在NBA)取得这样的成就(back to back MVP)。 “I am a huge believer in giving back and helping out in the community and the world. Think globally, act locally I suppose. I believe that the measure of a person's life is the affect they have on others. ” 我非常相信,人们应该回报社会,尽全力帮助他人。我认为应该从全世界的角度来考虑问题,并在当地做一些事情。我认为对一个人一生的评价在于他对于其他人有什么样的影响。 “I am not too accusatorial or defensive by nature. I have always been kind of philosophical about it, remembering that it is just a game. People take these things too seriously.” 我天生不是一个喜欢指责他人或者是过于防备的人,我的人生哲学是,要记住那不过是一场比赛,人们通常把这些东西看得太重。 “My closest friends in the league are Dirk Nowitzki and Rex Chapman. Although I think Michael Finley and I will be friends forever. ” 我在联盟中最要好的朋友是德克和Rex Chapman(Rex Chapman作为球员曾为太阳效力近十年之久,退役后他加入太阳管理层,正是他极力推荐太阳队签来了Nash),尽管芬利同样是我一生的好朋友。 “I think it's important that people stand up for what they believe in. It's important that people discuss things.” 我认为人们为了坚持自己的信仰起来抗争非常重要,人们能够自由地讨论问题同样也非常重要。 “My free time at home is usually spent emailing, listening to music, reading and talking on the phone. I wish I was on the phone less, but I have been fortunate to stay in touch with so many incredible friends. ” 我在家的自由时光通常是发email,听音乐,读书和煲电话粥。我想我应该少打点电话,但是我觉得能够和这么多好朋友保持联系真的是非常幸运。 “My ideal day would be to get a good work out in, listen to music, talk to my family and friends on the phone, read and go to a good movie.” 我认为理想的一天应该是这样,我一天比赛非常顺利,精疲力尽回到家,听音乐,和我的家人朋友在电话里聊天,读书或者是看一部好电影。 “Once I figured out I could play in the NBA, I also figured I could be an All-Star.” 我曾经被怀疑过能不能打NBA,我也被怀疑过能不能成为全明星。 “You have good games, you have bad games. You have good years, you have bad years. I have always been kind of philosophical about that.” 你有的比赛手会热得发烫,有的比赛会成为打铁王,有的赛季会大红大紫,有的赛季会一无所获,这就是我一直坚持的人生哲学。 “I have as much fun as anybody I know.” 和我认识的所有人相比,我都是快乐的。 “Sometimes it’s difficult maintaining my friendships, but to me, it’s well worth it.” 有时候维持友谊是很困难的,但是对我来说,不管多难都值得去做。 “For the most part I try to just stay focused not on my play but on our team.” 大多数的时候,我只是关心我们球队的表现,而不是我自己的表现。 “My approach has been that a player with determination and a willingness to work harder than anyone else can accomplish anything. It’s a simple formula. I’ve found it works.” 我的(成功)途径是有坚定的决心,并且以不输给任何人的努力去练习。这个道理很简单,但是我发现它真的有效。.” “ If everybody word as hard as me,I will be out of job.” 如果每个人都像我这样努力,那么我将失去工作了。 最后一句话,最关键,也最难做到: “我认为无论在任何地方,把人和人区别开来的都不应该是肤色,而是天赋和你流过的汗水 。”