




歌曲名《Fast Lain》歌手:Eminem所属专辑:《Hell: The Sequel》歌曲时长:04:09歌曲原唱:艾米·纳姆,尼基・米娜加音乐风格:说唱发行时间:2011年6月14日歌词如下:First verse, uh I’m on ’til I’m on a island事先声明,我会保持这牛X状态直到我隐退在岛上My life’s ridin’ on the Autobahn on autopilot我的人生开启了自动巡航,驰骋在无限速路上Before I touch dirt, I’ll kill you all with kindness不费吹灰之力就能仁慈的干掉所有人。I kill ya, my natural persona’s much worse我的本性无比凶残,X你没商量You’ve been warned if you’ve been born or if you conform老子警告你们这些新丁或是数的上的饶舌小将Slap up a cop and then snatch him out of his uniform有种就去抽条子的耳光再扒下他那身”皮”Leave him with his socks, hard bottoms and bloomers on只给他留下袜子、皮鞋和小裤裤在身上And hang him by his balls from the horn of a unicorn再用绳子系住他的“鸟蛋”挂在独角兽的角上Y’all niggas’ intellect mad slow, y’all fags know你们这帮蠢货又“娘”又贱Claimin’ you bangin’, you flamin’还敢吹自己是道上混的,真不要脸Bet you could light your own cigarette witcha asshole我敢打赌你们的菊花都能点燃香烟Me and Shady deaded the past, so that basically resurrected my cashflow我和阿姆冰释前嫌 从此将过上小康生活I might rap tight as the snatch of a fat dyke虽然我的饶舌无懈可击可以媲美凤姐的小凤Though I ain’t wrapped tight可是我还没有大红大紫My blood type’s the ’80s!我的体内流淌着80后饶舌血液My ’90s was like the Navy, you was like the Bradys90年代的我如同一个流浪的海员,而那时的阿姆已经像《brady一家》那么红了You still fly kites daily!你现在的事业依旧青云直上Catch me in my MercedesBumpin’ “Ice, Ice Baby,” screamin’ Shady ’til I die你会逮到我在大奔里听“Ice, Ice Baby,”同时大喊阿姆万岁直到嗝屁Like a half a pair of dice, life’s crazy生活如此疯狂就像车里的半对骰子So I live it to the fullest ’til I’m Swayze所以我人生的信条就是及时行乐And you only live it once, so I’m thinkin’ ’bout this nice, nice lady反正人只能活一次,所以我经常希望有漂漂MM常伴于我Wait, no, stop me now before I get on a roll (Danish)等一下,快阻止我这张臭嘴放大炮,妈的Let me tell you what this pretty little dame’s name is, ’cause she’s kinda famous让我告诉你们这位小妞的名字因为她现在名声远播And I hope that I don’t sound too heinous when I say this当我说出我的心里话时我希望听起来不会太无耻Nicki Minaj, but I wanna stick my penis in your anus!Nicki Minaj,我非常想把我的JJ放到你的OO里You morons think that I’m a genius你们这些白痴认为我是个天才Really I belong inside a dang insane asylum, cleanin’, try them trailer parks其实我TM就是个精神病院里搞卫生的,经常出没于拖车停车场Crazy, I am back, and I am razor-sharp, baby我的复出势不可挡,宝贝And that’s back wit’ a capital B wit’ an exclamation mark,、这是一个相当牛B的复出,牛B到back的大写字母B都要加惊叹号maybe You should listen when I flip the linguistics你们真应该竖起耳朵听我怎么颠覆语言学Cause I’m gonna rip this mystical slick shit因为我打算扯碎这些神秘的狗屁道学You don’t wanna become another victim or statistic of this shit你绝不会想做我饶舌下的炮灰Cause after I spit the bullets, I’ma treat these shell casings like a soccer ball因为哥喷的不是语言,是子弹,还会让子弹壳到处飞I’ma kick the ballistics! So get this dick, I’ma live this是时候出杀手锏了,接我的大雕吧,蠢货们。这就是我的生活方式Livin’ life in the fast lane人生就像行驶在快车道上Movin’ at the speed of life and I can’t slow down我开足生命时速,减速已经来不及了Only got a gallon in the gas tank油箱里燃料所剩无几,只有一加仑了But I’m almost at the finish line, so I can’t stop now但是重点就在眼前,这时候不可能放慢I don’t really know where I’m headed, just enjoyin’ the ride我甚至不知道我的目的地在哪,只是享受这狂飙的快感Just gon’ roll ’til I drop and ride ’til I die我会一直继续,直到筋疲力尽。嗝屁着凉I’m livin’ life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)我的人生在快车道上飞奔(油门踩到底)I’m livin’ life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)我的人生在快车道上飞奔(油门踩到底)My whole goal as a poet’s to be relaxed in orbit我的人生最终方向是有天能走进正轨,终止彷徨At war wit’ a bottle, this Captain Morgan attacks my organs我和酒瘾作战,摩根船长(朗姆酒品牌)毁了我的肝脏My slow flow is euphoric, it’s like I rap endorphins我缓缓的饶舌让人飘飘然,仿佛从我嘴里出来是鸦片I made a pact with the Devil that says “I’ll let you take me我和魔鬼签了协议我将永远忠诚于他You let me take this shovel, dig up the corpes, Jack Kevorkian”Jack Kevorkian你将准许我用铁锹掘出尸体Go ‘back and forth in more beef that you can pack a fork in我反复卷入了饶舌争端中,搞来太多牛肉的我必须用刀叉来料理I’m livin’ the life of the infinite enemy down我遇到的对手就像打不死的小强,可是无一劲敌)My tenement, too many now, to send my serenity powers无数麻烦像破公寓一样搞的我心烦Spin ‘em around, enterin’ in the vicinity我决定杀回原地,清理头绪And then after takin’ that, I’ma catch a case, it’s gon’ be fascinatin’要是我摘下这贱人的头我肯定会吃官司,这会让这场戏特有看点It’s gon’ say “The whole rap game passed away” on top of the affidavit我会在审判时宣誓:”饶舌已死”让人们唏嘘掩面Graduated from master debater slash massive masturbator我拥有辩论专家硕士学位兼打炮专家头衔To Michael Jackson’ activator (Woo!)后来成了Michael Jackson的护发素Meanin’ I’m on fire off the top, might wanna back up the data这意味着我的饶舌如头顶冒出的火焰 Runnin’ over hip-hop in a verbal tractor-trailer我开着巨型货车把嘻哈的身体扎扁Homie, this sick, you can normally ask a hater哥们你可以去问我的对手就知道我有多变态Don’t it make sense, these shell casings is just like a bag of paper不可思议吧,这些弹壳出自我的饶舌子弹Drop in the lap of a tax evader (Homie, they spent)它就像落在逃税者手上的一叠美刀,朋友快花完它吧 Now make that ass drop like a sack of potatoes现在你快把你的小pp贴在地板就像一麻袋土豆堆在那里What, girl, I’m the crack-a-lator,Percolator to this party, be my penis ejaculator later小妞你不知道吗,我是让这派队嗨起来的可卡因,气场强大,一会你就能领教我的“小弟弟”的威力了Tell your boyfriend that you just struck paydirt告诉你的男友你刚发现摇钱树You rollin’ with a player, you won’t be exaggeratin’ when you sayin’你正和一个情场高手缠绵。这一点都不夸张当你和别人讲时