




guestguest[^est]n.客人, 来宾, 旅客vt.招待, 款待vi.作客, 寄宿Guest[^est]格斯特(姓氏)guestguestAHD:[gµst] D.J.[gest]K.K.[gWst]n.(名词)One who is a recipient of hospitality at the home or table of another.客人:在别人的家中或餐会上受到友好接待的人One to whom entertainment or hospitality has been extended by another in the role of host or hostess, as at a party.来宾,宾客:在宴会等场合受到主人或主妇的款待的人One who pays for meals or accommodations at a restaurant, hotel, or other establishment; a patron.旅客,顾客:向饭店、旅馆或其他类似场所支付报酬而获取食宿的人;主顾A distinguished visitor to whom the hospitality of an institution, a city, or a government is extended.访客,特别来宾:受某一机构,城市或政府款待的著名访问者A visiting performer, speaker, or contestant, as on a radio or television program.客串演员:在电台或电视节目中被邀请的临时演员、演说者或参赛者Zoology A commensal organism, especially an insect that lives in the nest or burrow of another species.【动物学】 寄生体,客虫:一种同栖生物体,尤指生活在另一昆虫巢穴中的昆虫v.(动词)guest.ed,guest.ing,guests v.tr.(及物动词)To entertain as a guest.招待:向对客人一样款待v.intr.(不及物动词)To appear as a guest:作客:作为客人出现:guested on a television series.客串一电视系列剧adj.(形容词)Provided for guests:待客的:为客人准备的:guest rooms.客房Participating as a guest:客座的:作为客人而参与的:a guest conductor.客座指挥Middle English gest 中古英语 gest from Old Norse gestr * see ghos-ti- 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 gestr *参见 ghos-ti- GuestGuestAHD:[gµst] Edgar Albert (1881-1959) D.J.[gest]K.K.[gWst]NONE(无词性)British-born American journalist known for his widely syndicated, homey rhymes, collected in books such asA Heap o' Livin' (1916). 格斯特,爱德加·阿尔贝特:(1881-1959) 出生于英国的美国新闻记者,以其辛迪加式的、亲切自然的韵文而闻名,这些韵文被收入《生命的积累》 (1916年)等书中 guest[^est]n.客人, 来宾旅客; 寄宿客客串[特约]演员【动】寄生生物, 寄生虫【植】寄生植物a distinguished guest贵宾a state guest国宾the guest of honour主客, 贵宾an unbidden guest不速之客house guest留宿的宾客paying guest寄宿客We're expecting guests to dinner.我们在等候着客人进餐。guestvt.招待, 款待We guested all the delegates.我们热情地招待了全体代表。guestvi.做客[美俚]在广播节目中客串演出guestchamber[`^est9tFeImbE(r)]n.客房guestnightn.(学院、俱乐部等)招待来宾的夜晚guestlessadj.guestship[`^est-FIp]n.A constant guest is never welcome.[谚]常客招人嫌。Be my guest.[口]欢迎你赏光; 随便你使用。speed the parting guest祝客人一路顺风[好运]Guest[^est]n.格斯特(姓氏)guestguestAHD:[gµst] D.J.[gest]K.K.[gWst]n.One who is a recipient of hospitality at the home or table of another.One to whom entertainment or hospitality has been extended by another in the role of host or hostess, as at a party.One who pays for meals or accommodations at a restaurant, hotel, or other establishment; a patron.A distinguished visitor to whom the hospitality of an institution, a city, or a government is extended.A visiting performer, speaker, or contestant, as on a radio or television program.Zoology A commensal organism, especially an insect that lives in the nest or burrow of another species.v.guest.ed,guest.ing,guests v.tr.To entertain as a guest.v.intr.To appear as a guest:guested on a television series.adj.Provided for guests:guest rooms.Participating as a guest:a guest conductor.Middle English gest from Old Norse gestr * see ghos-ti- GuestGuestAHD:[gµst] Edgar Albert (1881-1959) D.J.[gest]K.K.[gWst]NONEBritish-born American journalist known for his widely syndicated, homey rhymes, collected in books such asA Heap o' Livin' (1916). guest来自古挪威语gestrguestcallercompanyvisitorhost