




school report card report card grade report transcript report school report这些都可以的,可以给你几个例句看一下:Did you bring your transcript from high school?你把高中的成绩单带来了吗?The teacher made out the report cards and gave them to the students to take home.老师填写成绩单交给学生带回家。Jonny's report card points up his talent for math.约翰尼的成绩单上突出了他的数学才能。The report card points up his talent for math.这份成绩单显示了他的数学才能。For getting a good report card $5.拿到优异的成绩单 5美元Transcript listing courses and grades will be sent on request.如需要各科成绩单当即寄上。Sunshine Primary School, Changsha, Hunan Report Card湖南长沙阳光小学成绩单-- 小学英语(六年级上学期适用) - Unit 9 I'm good at sports Lesson 26On the whole, your report car isn't too bad.总的来说,成绩单不算太差。-- 无师自通 校园英语会话 - Examination (4)Her school report says her French is satisfactory.她成绩单上记载法语尚可.his father signed his report card.他父亲在成绩单上签了字。